Jamaica library Coffee Chat’ features county veterans affairs officer

Jamaica public library will host the second in a series of Saturday morning “Coffee Chats” Saturday, July 29, at 10:30 am with Beth Watson, service administrator, Guthrie County veterans affairs.

Watson will outline the services available through the Guthrie County veterans affairs office at the courthouse in Guthrie Center. She will also open the conversation to questions that impact veterans locally and throughout the state and nation.

Coffee Chats are informal gatherings where people in small groups can interact with the presenter of a topic with questions and discussion. Guests at the Coffee Chats will be offered complimentary coffee and treats such as cookies, doughnuts or pastries. All area residents are welcome at Coffee Chats.

Persons who want more information can contact the library at 641-429-3362 or check the Jamaica public library Facebook page.

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